Expected Market Size is $34Bn by 2025

The increasing penetration of smartphones and other electronic devices in India's urban and rural areas is driving demand for consumer electronics.

Current internet users are 750Mn in India

India boasts one of the largest online populations globally. Driving various sectors, including e-commerce, digital payments, etc.

The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8%

This growth reflects the increasing purchasing power of consumers, evolving lifestyles and a growing appetite for innovative devices.

Role of Shipdelight

Elevating Electronics Logistics with Shipdelight

Efficient Issue Resolution

By offering proactive notifications and real-time tracking, ShipDelight enables businesses to swiftly resolve issues and maintain customer satisfaction.

Secondary Movement

Alongside primary movement we support secondary movements from Customer Homes to Repair Centres and vice Versa.

Faster Order Processing

With automated order management systems and optimized logistics processes, we help businesses to improve order turnaround times.


Omnichannel Pickup

We offer omnichannel pickup options, to reach customers faster from designated store locations or warehouses, leading to improved customer satisfaction and reduced costs.


Auto NDR to Boost Conversions

Our automated Non-Delivery Report (NDR) management system helps electronics businesses boost order conversions by automatically rescheduling deliveries.


Brand Experience Page

Multi-purpose page to reduce Where is My Order (WISMO) calls, Increase upsell opportunities, and enhance Customer Satisfaction.


Still Unsure? Find Answer you are looking

Can you integrate with our existing eCommerce platforms for seamless order processing?

Yes, we offer integrations with major eCommerce platforms for seamless order processing and fulfillment.
